Business House Garden

by Cristina Dinu

House Garden

House Garden

When we talk about a company we know how important personalized objects are, what impact they have on marketing, but we forget how important personalized objects are in everyday life.
We need objects that represent us, that give us a good mood and help us to present ourselves in society with our real characteristics.
I made logos, furniture, lamps and other personalized objects for law offices, bars, restaurants, workshops but also for houses and gardens.
Below are a series of several galleries in which I tried to organize the selection of pictures into categories.
The categories presented are: logos, tables, chairs, ashtrays, business card holders, lamps, paintings, aromatherapy, pencil holders, watches and more …

Click on the picture to open the corresponding gallery

Custom Metal Company Logo.

Custom Metal Tables.  Video for the Tree shape table here

Custom metal Lamps

Metal Chairs

Metal aromatherapy objects

Various custom metal objects


Custom metal hangers

Custom metal ashtrays

Custom metal pen holders

Custom metal business card holders

Custom metal Clocks

Custom metal Candle Holders

Roof Ornaments

A few videos regarding the works on this page